The way events are panning out, it will be interesting to note what we can expect over the next two years. And we have the fingerprints of God in the skies to give us a forewarning of the events ahead. It is very rare that we have four blood moons happening in close succession and NASA had coined the name "tetrad" for this special phenomenon.
Over the past six hundred or so years since NASA kept calculations, there had only been 3 previous occurrences of tetrads
1. in 1492 - the Jews were expelled from Spain because they did not want to convert to Catholicism
2. in 1948 - when the nation of Israel was birthed
3. in 1967 - when Israel won the Six-Day War
and they (NASA) had projected that a series of tetrads will take place over the next two years (2014 - 2015) and there will not be any more for five hundred years after that.
So, what does all these mean? I will leave you to watch this video by Dr John Hagee as he explains from the Bible what had been prophesied millennia ago. I need to caution you that this video is the culmination of three sermons preached over three weeks and it lasts for nearly two hours; so sit tight and put on your spiritual seat-belts...
My prayer for you - "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3John2 (NIV)"
In this blog, I want to share with you what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has blessed my family and I with and it is my sincere prayer for each of you that you will be able to enjoy our Abba Daddy's blessings over your own life. Shalom!
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