Now, does that mean we are not to do any work? just rest and the results will pop up before us? No, that is not what the Lord meant. For those who want to believe the word given, we are to continue to work at whatever we are doing but ours is not to strive hard for it. We are to adopt the stance that Jesus so often in the gospels had admonished us to do, "let not your hearts be trouble".
So we are not to worry about the outcome when we put in our efforts for the Lord will surely give the increase. Just as the farmer goes out there to till the land and sow the seeds in the ground and God will take care of the growth, likewise He will do the same for our situations for surely we are worth more than the sparrows in the air.
Indeed one month of 2010 had just gone by us and we need to constantly remind ourselves of WHOSE we are; we are children of the MOST HIGH GOD (El Shaddai and El Elyon) and nothing is too small for Him to overlook nor too big for Him to overcome for He is our Creator God and if He cared to give us the Greatest Possession He Had - His Beloved Darling Son to die for us on the cross - how will He withhold from us our requests?
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